The health and safety of all participants in the BC Lacrosse community is of the utmost importance for the Western Lacrosse Association (WLA), and this is central to any decision-making process.

The WLA, along with its member Clubs, have been carefully monitoring the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation on an ongoing basis, and as a result, the Board of Governors have decided to delay the start of the 2020 WLA season, originally slated to begin May 21st.

Revised schedules have been drafted and we are working closely with our counterparts with Major Series Lacrosse (MSL) in Ontario as we work towards competing for the Mann Cup in September in Ontario.  Further updates will follow in the coming weeks.

Our league staff and teams are continuing preparations for our 52nd season and look forward to bringing box lacrosse back to our communities as soon as it is safe and reasonable to do so. We will follow the guidance of the public health authorities and government agencies during this public health crisis. The health and safety of our players, staff, fans, and partners is of the utmost importance as we manage through this situation.

All members of the WLA would like to extend our appreciation and gratitude to front-line workers in essential services: first responders, healthcare practitioners, hospital support staff, grocery stores, food services, supply chain logistics, delivery drivers, social services, and all others who are working hard to keep our communities healthy and running as smoothly as possible.

Our thoughts are with all those whose health, families, and jobs have been affected. We wish all the best for the people of British Columbia and look forward to seeing you at the arena.