2019 Premier’s Awards for Indigenous Youth Excellence in Sport, Vancouver Island Regional Recipients and Receiving Line. (L-R): Jada Livingston, Tara Brant (for Ty Brant), Nicola Smith, Aedan Crocker, Emoni Bush, Ty Ludwikowski (Standing L-R): Alex Nelson, Elder & Sr. Advisor, I·SPARC, Calvin Swustus Sr., Cowichan Tribes Councillor, Michael Dumont, Minister of Sport, Métis Nation BC, Debbie Williams, Executive Director, Hiiye'yu Lelum (House of Friendship), Bruce Dumont, Cowichan Valley Métis Nation, Richard Lewis, President, Cowichan Valley Métis Nation, Mayor Michelle Staples, City of Duncan, Alan Edkins, Senator, Métis Nation BC, Rick Brant, Executive Director, I·SPARC.

The Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council (I·SPARC), in collaboration with the Province of British Columbia, is launching the nomination process for the 2020 Premier’s Award for Indigenous Youth Excellence in Sport. These awards provide a unique opportunity to celebrate the outstanding achievements of Indigenous athletes who excel in performance sport and who are using their experiences in sport to shape their future.

Nominations are open to Indigenous athletes (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) under 25 years of age who are competing in performance sport; display strong leadership qualities; are committed to pursuing higher education; and serve as community role models both on and off the field of play.

The Premier’s Awards will be presented both regionally and provincially. A total of 36 regional awards will be given out, six awards within each of I·SPARC’s regions. Regional recipients will automatically serve as nominees for the Provincial Award and 10 athletes will be selected in early 2021.
youth sports
Formal ceremonies to honour Regional Awards Recipients will be held throughout the months of October and November and the provincial ceremony will be conducted in spring 2021 at the next Gathering Our Voices: Indigenous Youth Leadership Training Opening Ceremony.

Deadline to submit nominations is Thursday, September 24, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. (PST).

The Regional Nomination form can be found at https://isparcbc.wufoo.com/forms/2020-premiers-awards-nomination-form/.

To find out more about the Premier’s Awards, visit https://isparc.ca/premiersawards/.