Burnaby, BC (Sept. 8) – Curl BC has released guidelines for Return to Curling with a modified game at the centre of its plans.
The Phase 3 “Progressively Loosen” version of the guidelines, released today, allows for four-person curling but with a twist – only one sweeper per shot and physically distanced play.
The modified rules have allowed Curl BC to successfully advocate for curling to be moved from Group B into Group A in the viaSport guidelines – the guidelines every provincial sport organization needs to adhere to in order to return to play. While it is too early in the season to stage regional and provincial events, being in Group A will give Curl BC the option to pursue these events at a later time.
Curl BC and Curling Canada have both produced ice layouts that allow for physical distancing – complete with in-ice markers so that people know where to stand. Visit the Documents and Forms for Covid-19 Page to see a diagram of the ice layout and rules for modified play.
At the minute, Curl BC is recommending that clubs avoid hosting bonspiels within the first month of opening. Once clubs have opened safely and it’s clear that procedures are working well, we will recommend the slow introduction of regional events.
Scott Braley, Curl BC CEO, said: “Our top priority has always been to ensure that clubs can open their doors. Alongside our sport partners, curling club managers, ice makers and volunteers, Curl BC staff have been working for many months on plans to smooth the way for reopening. Now, with the announcement that Sport has moved into Phase 3, and with modified play, we are going to see all that hard work pay off.
“We would like to thank viaSport for listening to our plans and having faith in our recommendations.”
Anyone who would like more information on the Phase 3 update should visit the website at: https://www.curlbc.ca/resources/covid-19-resources/