Canada’s acclaimed elementary school program, Egg Farmers Rocks & Rings™ presented by Curling Canada, has officially launched its educational resource library. Rocks & Rings™ In the Classroom is an education portal that features lesson plans, worksheets, and activities that integrate curling into the curriculum. The online education portal allows teachers to share the sport of curling with students in the classroom, online, at home or in the gym.

The resource library provides teachers with province-specific, curriculum-based lessons for math, science, language, and social studies that teach students about the sport of curling. Teachers can customize the editable Google Slide lessons to match their teaching style, student abilities, and curriculum schedule. All lessons and resources can be utilized for online and in-class learning. The best part, thanks to our sponsors, donors and partners, Rocks & Rings™ In the Classroom is available completely free for teachers across the country.

“We are beyond excited about the new Rocks & Rings™ education portal,” said Brodie Bazinet, Foundation Manager for Curling Canada. “Our partners at Rock Solid Productions are continuously adapting in positive, innovative and meaningful ways. We are thrilled that these interactive lesson plans will be offered free of charge and therefore encourage greater inclusivity and participation, regardless of classroom structure or school resources.”

Today’s launch includes lessons customized for all provinces and territories in grades 1-3, with lesson plans for grades 4-6 coming soon.

“While we may not be able to physically share the hands-on version of our curling program in all schools this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are excited to launch our online resource library to continue to share the sport of curling with students across Canada. Rocks & Rings™ In the Classroom gives teachers easy-to-use resources that provide students with inclusive and interactive lessons about curling,” said Abbie Darnley, Program Director of Rocks & Rings™. “We are also very excited to expand our reach to teach students in all parts of Canada and from all socio-economic backgrounds about the sport of curling with innovative and fun resources.”

In addition to the lesson slides with challenges and activities, the free resource library features PDF worksheets and fun activities designed to complement the lessons. Teachers can use the lessons and supplementary worksheets for in-class instruction, virtual schooling, and even as part of an outdoor classroom.

“Together with our national and provincial egg boards, we are proud to support this new initiative from Rocks & RingsTM,” said Donna Lange, Egg Farmers of Ontario’s Acting Director of Public Affairs. “The education portal connects the importance of an active lifestyle with excellent nutrition, while introducing students to the traditional sport of curling.”

Along with In the Classroom, Egg Farmers Rocks & Rings™ presented by Curling Canada is proud to launch a new Rentals program for the 2020-2021 school year. Where permissible by local health regulations, schools will receive Rocks & Rings™’ high-quality iceless curling equipment along with programming cards with games, activities and drills. Easy-to-teach lessons and games will help share the excitement of learning about curling while adhering to COVID-19 social distancing measures. Rocks & Rings™ has made it easy for teachers to continue curling as part of physical education and classroom programming in every classroom and school setting.

For more information on any of the Egg Farmers Rocks & Rings™ presented by Curling Canada programs visit

Egg Farmers Rocks & Rings™ presented by Curling Canada is an interactive physical education program that transforms school gyms into iceless curling rinks for workshops and activities. The Rocks & Rings™ program visits participating schools with unique floor curling equipment to provide a true curling experience.