After much consideration and based on a review of the recent PHO orders it was unanimously determined by the Governors to bring the 2020 -2021 VIJHL season to a conclusion.
The current Public Health Authority discussions show it is unlikely there will be any changes in their current direction from where we are today and with the added pressures from facilities comparing the teams need for ice usage against the need for the removal of the ice for other sport or health related events, it seemed that this is the time to make this decision. Each team will determine their specific end date for their practice times with their players.
Our thanks and support firstly goes out to all the Coaches, Players, Volunteers and Executive for their continued support and use of safe practices during this entire extraordinary season. We also want to extend our heart-felt thanks and appreciation to our many fans for their continued patience and support of our players and our League during this stressful time.
BC Hockey has provided considerable time and support to assist the League in navigating the numerous temporary changes to rules and regulations and a thank you must include them for their guidance and direction during this unprecedented season.
We look forward to playing games again in the future and it is starting to look very positive that this will occur in late summer in time for this upcoming season (2021-2022). The VIJHL Board of Governors is already starting to work on the needs of next season. Fingers crossed…
Until next season – be safe, be kind and let’s get through this.