Pacific Rim Shine At Under 13 Men’s Tier 1 & Tier 2 Field Lacrosse...
The Subway® British Columbia Lacrosse Association (BCLA) Under 13 Men’s Tier 1 & Tier 2 Field Lacrosse Provincial Championships were held February 7-9, 2020...
BC Lacrosse Association Midget Box Lacrosse Provincial results
British Columbia Lacrosse Association (BCLA) Box Lacrosse Provincial Championships for the Midget divisions were held July 25-28, 2019 in Langley, BC. Twenty-four teams from...
BCLA 2019 Box Lacrosse Provincial Champions Crowned Bantam Divisions
The Subway® British Columbia Lacrosse Association (BCLA) Box Lacrosse Provincial Championships for the Bantam divisions were held July 18-21, 2019 in Victoria, BC. Twenty-seven...
BCLA 2019 Box Lacrosse Provincial Champions Crowned Female Divisions
British Columbia Lacrosse Association (BCLA) Box Lacrosse Provincial
Championships for the Female divisions were held July 11-14, 2019 in Nanaimo and Parksville, BC.Twenty-eight teams from...
BCLA 2019 Box Lacrosse Provincial Champions Crowned Pee Wee Divisions
The Subway® British Columbia Lacrosse Association (BCLA) Box Lacrosse Provincial
Championships for the Pee Wee divisions were held July 11-14, 2019 in Delta, BC. Thirty
2019 BC Indigenous Provincial LACROSSE Camp
The Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council (I∙SPARC) is pleased to present these provincial athlete identification camps in partnership with the Coquitlam Minor...