Mark McMorris (Regina, SK) was on fire Friday night landing some impressive tricks to earn silver in Men’s Big Air at X Games Aspen 2019. His first highest score earned him a ’43’ with a Bs 1620 Mute followed by a Fs Triple Cork 1440 Indy-Tail Grab combo earning him ’42’ for a combined score of ’85’.

Takeru Otsuka out of Japan took the win with an impressive Fs 1800 Tail grab (43) and a Cab Triple Cork 1620 Indy (45) for a combined score of (88). Sven Thorgren (SWE) placed 3rd with a Fs Triple Cork 1440 Indy (39) followed by a Bs Triple rodeo Melon grab (37) for a combined score (76).

Darcy Sharpe (Comox, BC) and Sebastien Toutant (L’Assomption, QC) were the remaing Canadians competing in this event throwing in a fun mix of classic tricks along with some heavy rotations nearly missing the podium.

The Canadian team will be back in action on Saturday for X Games Aspen Slopestyle.