Victoria did well again this year at the BC International tournament, for horseshoe pitchers from BC and Washington State. 16 players from Victoria, went to the annual tournament in Abbotsford BC and came back with 7 1st place finishes and 14 in the top three of their divisions.

Title winners from Victoria were Anthony Rondow PeeWee A, Tom Moffat Men’s A, Sante Michielin Men’s B, Dave Arnold Men’s C, Claude Cliche Men’s D,
Louise Hamel Women’s B, Brenda Arnold Women”s C.
High games were Lindsay Hodgins Women’s A 88.46%, Tom Moffat Men’s A 75.00%, and Rick Britz Elder’s A 71.88%.

Washington State captured the Inaugural Peace Arch Trophy awarded to the State/province with the most international points for the year. Washington State collected 120.5 pts to BC’s 109.5
7 members of Vancouver Island are heading the World Tournament in Wichita Falls Texas in late July.