The Western Lacrosse Association – (WLA) announced today its 2023 regular season schedule, a full 18-game per team schedule to be followed by August playoffs with the league champion hosting the Major Series Lacrosse (MSL) Champions from Ontario for the Mann Cup.
“The hard work has begun in preparation for the 2023 season and our players and coaches can’t wait to compete to host the Mann Cup in September,” said WLA Commissioner, Paul Dal Monte.
The season is scheduled to open Wednesday May 24 th when the Burnaby Lakers visit defending WLA Champions, Langley Thunder. 2022 WLA Finalist, Nanaimo Timbermen travel to New Westminster to take on the Salmonbellies at historic Queens Park Arena on Thursday May 25th, followed by a slate of five games on the weekend.
Seven teams of the WLA will host their home openers as follows:
● May 24: Langley vs. Burnaby at Langley Events Centre;
● May 25: New Westminster vs. Nanaimo at Queens Park Arena;
● May 26: Burnaby vs. Maple Ridge at Bill Copeland Arena;
● May 26: Victoria vs. Langley at The Q Centre;
● May 27: Coquitlam vs. Nanaimo at Poirier Sport & Leisure Complex;
● May 28: Maple Ridge vs. Victoria at Cam Neely Arena;
● June 3: Nanaimo vs. Langley at Frank Crane Arena;
Date | Time | Away | Home | Arena |
5/24/23 | 7:30 PM | Burnaby | Langley | Langley Events Centre, Langley |
5/25/23 | 7:00 PM | Nanaimo | New Westminster | Queens Park Arena, New Westminster |
5/26/23 | 6:45 PM | Langley | Victoria | The Q Centre, Victoria |
5/26/23 | 7:00 PM | Maple Ridge | Burnaby | Bill Copeland Arena, Burnaby |
5/27/23 | 7:00 PM | Nanaimo | Coquitlam | Poirier Sports Complex, Coquitlam |
5/28/23 | 5:00 PM | Victoria | Maple Ridge | Cam Neely Arena, Maple Ridge |
5/31/23 | 7:30 PM | New Westminster | Langley | Langley Events Centre, Langley |
6/1/23 | 7:30 PM | Coquitlam | New Westminster | Queens Park Arena, New Westminster |
6/2/23 | 6:45 PM | Burnaby | Victoria | The Q Centre, Victoria |
6/3/23 | 5:00 PM | Langley | Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena, Nanaimo |
6/4/23 | 6:00 PM | Nanaimo | Maple Ridge | Cam Neely Arena, Maple Ridge |
6/8/23 | 7:30 PM | Maple Ridge | New Westminster | Queens Park Arena, New Westminster |
6/9/23 | 6:45 PM | Coquitlam | Victoria | The Q Centre, Victoria |
6/9/23 | 7:00 PM | Burnaby | Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena, Nanaimo |
6/10/23 | 5:00 PM | Coquitlam | Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena, Nanaimo |
6/11/23 | 7:00 PM | Burnaby | Maple Ridge | Cam Neely Arena, Maple Ridge |
6/14/23 | 7:30 PM | Coquitlam | Langley | Langley Events Centre, Langley |
6/15/23 | 7:00 PM | Nanaimo | New Westminster | Queens Park Arena, New Westminster |
6/16/23 | 6:45 PM | Maple Ridge | Victoria | The Q Centre, Victoria |
6/16/23 | 7:00 PM | Langley | Burnaby | Bill Copeland Arena, Burnaby |
6/17/23 | 7:00 PM | Victoria | Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena, Nanaimo |
6/17/23 | 7:00 PM | New Westminster | Coquitlam | Poirier Sports Complex, Coquitlam |
6/18/23 | 6:00 PM | Nanaimo | Maple Ridge | Cam Neely Arena, Maple Ridge |
6/20/23 | 7:00 PM | Langley | Coquitlam | Poirier Sports Complex, Coquitlam |
6/21/23 | 7:30 PM | Maple Ridge | Langley | Langley Events Centre, Langley |
6/22/23 | 7:30 PM | Burnaby | New Westminster | Queens Park Arena, New Westminster |
6/23/23 | 6:45 PM | New Westminster | Victoria | The Q Centre, Victoria |
6/24/23 | 7:00 PM | Victoria | Burnaby | Weyerhauser Arena, Port Alberni |
6/25/23 | 6:00 PM | Burnaby | Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena, Nanaimo |
6/25/23 | 7:00 PM | Coquitlam | Maple Ridge | Cam Neely Arena, Maple Ridge |
6/27/23 | 7:00 PM | Maple Ridge | Coquitlam | Poirier Sports Complex, Coquitlam |
6/28/23 | 7:00 PM | Victoria | Langley | Langley Events Centre, Langley |
6/29/23 | 7:30 PM | Langley | New Westminster | Queens Park Arena, New Westminster |
6/30/23 | 6:45 PM | Nanaimo | Victoria | The Q Centre, Victoria |
6/30/23 | 7:00 PM | New Westminster | Burnaby | Bill Copeland Arena, Burnaby |
7/4/23 | 7:00 PM | New Westminster | Coquitlam | Poirier Sports Complex, Coquitlam |
7/5/23 | 7:00 PM | Victoria | Langley | Langley Events Centre, Langley |
7/6/23 | 7:30 PM | Langley | New Westminster | Queens Park Arena, New Westminster |
7/7/23 | 7:00 PM | Victoria | Burnaby | Bill Copeland Arena, Burnaby |
7/8/23 | 7:00 PM | Coquitlam | Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena, Nanaimo |
7/9/23 | 7:00 PM | Langley | Maple Ridge | Cam Neely Arena, Maple Ridge |
7/11/23 | 7:30 PM | New Westminster | Maple Ridge | Cam Neely Arena, Maple Ridge |
7/11/23 | 7:00 PM | Coquitlam | Burnaby | Bill Copeland Arena, Burnaby |
7/12/23 | 7:00 PM | Nanaimo | Langley | Langley Events Centre, Langley |
7/14/23 | 6:45 PM | New Westminster | Victoria | The Q Centre, Victoria |
7/14/23 | 7:00 PM | Coquitlam | Burnaby | Bill Copeland Arena, Burnaby |
7/15/23 | 7:00 PM | Maple Ridge | Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena, Nanaimo |
7/15/23 | 6:45 AM | Victoria | Coquitlam | Poirier Sports Complex, Coquitlam |
7/18/23 | 7:00 PM | Langley | Coquitlam | Poirier Sports Complex, Coquitlam |
7/18/23 | 7:30 PM | Burnaby | Maple Ridge | Cam Neely Arena, Maple Ridge |
7/19/23 | 7:30 PM | Maple Ridge | Langley | Langley Events Centre, Langley |
7/19/23 | 7:00 PM | Nanaimo | Victoria | The Q Centre, Victoria |
7/20/23 | 7:00 PM | Victoria | New Westminster | Queens Park Arena, New Westminster |
7/21/23 | 7:00 PM | New Westminster | Burnaby | Bill Copeland Arena, Burnaby |
7/22/23 | 7:00 PM | Burnaby | Coquitlam | Poirier Sports Complex, Coquitlam |
7/23/23 | 7:00 PM | Langley | Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena, Nanaimo |
7/25/23 | 7:00 PM | Nanaimo | Burnaby | Bill Copeland Arena, Burnaby |
7/26/23 | 7:30 PM | Burnaby | Langley | Langley Events Centre, Langley |
7/27/23 | 7:30 PM | Maple Ridge | New Westminster | Queens Park Arena, New Westminster |
7/28/23 | 6:45 PM | Maple Ridge | Victoria | The Q Centre, Victoria |
7/29/23 | 7:00 PM | New Westminster | Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena, Nanaimo |
7/29/23 | 6:45 PM | Victoria | Coquitlam | Poirier Sports Complex, Coquitlam |
7/30/23 | 7:00 PM | Coquitlam | Maple Ridge | Cam Neely Arena, Maple Ridge |