BC Hockey announces the 2019-2020 Chair of the Board Award is awarded to British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry.
The BC Hockey Chair of the Board Award is presented to an individual that has brought honour to BC Hockey through an outstanding humanitarian endeavor.
“Dr. Henry has guided British Columbians with expertise, humility, and compassion through an unprecedented pandemic,” said BC Hockey’s Chair of the Board Bill Greene. “Dr. Henry, along with her staff, have provided clear and safe measures so our youth can return to sport and enjoy healthy activities and BC Hockey along with all of our members, participants and stakeholders are thankful for Dr. Henry’s guidance. She is most deserving of this award.”
Dr. Henry added “I appreciate the work BC Hockey has done to adapt to the COVID-19 challenges and provide opportunities for sport participation, especially for young people during this pandemic.”
BC Hockey, member partner of Hockey Canada, serves nearly 60,000 participants, over 130 associations, leagues and districts in British Columbia and Yukon continues to work in conjunction with viaSport and the Provincial Health Authority to provide a safe environment for all hockey participants.
The BC Hockey Chair of the Board Award is one of BC Hockey’s annual awards traditionally presented at the Annual Congress. With the cancellation of the in-person Annual Congress, BC Hockey will be announcing the other 2019-2020 award winners in the future.